Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS)
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
MOH Holdings Pte Ltd (MOHH)

About BrightSparks

Singapore’s #1 Scholarship and Higher Education Portal

First established in 2004, BrightSparks started out as a portal to help students research and apply for scholarships. It has since grown over the years and is now the number ONE scholarship destination in Singapore, serving ALL your scholarship research and application needs.

What does BrightSparks offer you?

One Application Form
Fill up the Scholarship Résumé form just once and you can use this to apply for multiple scholarships in an easy and rapid manner.

Easy Comparison of Multiple Scholarships
With the BrightSparks Compare Scholarships tool, you can see eligibility and bond periods at a glance - determining the right scholarship has never been easier!

Relevant Tips and Advice
Our Get Ahead! section will teach you the in's and out's of scholarships. You can also read about the experiences of scholars past and present in the BrightSparks magazine!

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